Westbriar Elementary School PTA |
Getting To And From School |
Helping students arrive at school and at home safely is an extremely important job, one that school staff, transportation staff, and parents share. Please help us ensure your child’s safe travel in the following ways:
If you live within walking distance of the school, allow your child to walk to school with siblings or friends, or walk with him/her.
If you live in a neighborhood served by a Fairfax County Public Schools bus route, please allow your child to ride the bus.
If you choose to drive your child to school, plan to arrive no earlier than 8:55 a.m. Students who arrive before 8:55am will wait in the cafeteria before going to class. There is no supervision available prior to 8:55.
To use the Kiss ‘n Ride lane, enter by the drive opposite Westwood Drive, proceed to the left side of the school, and stop to drop off your child at the side cafeteria door. Pull as far forward as possible. School staff will assist you. Proceed to the rear of the school, turn in the loop, and exit by the same drive. Use extreme caution, as walkers will be crossing at various times in a designated crosswalk. A staff member will use a stop sign to halt traffic when walkers are present. Do not block the bus lane, and always yield to walkers and buses exiting from the bus lane.
You may also park in the front lot in the available unreserved spaces, and walk your child inside.
If you choose to pick your child up from school by using the Kiss ‘n Ride, you will need to complete a registration form and submit it online by clicking HERE. Families that used Kiss N' Ride during the previous school year do not need to register again. Simply use the tags you already have. If you need a tag replaced, contact the main office. Once the office receives your information, each family will need to stop by the main office to receive 2 numbered hanger tags for your rearview mirror. If you have more than one child at Westbriar, they will be assigned the same tag number. Please treat our staff members monitoring Kiss N' Ride respectfully. Car riders who have not been picked up by 4:20 PM will be escorted to the school office until a parent or guardian arrives.
Follow the same procedure. At dismissal, Kiss ‘n Ride students will go through the cafeteria and wait outside the side cafeteria door, under staff supervision. If you just need to meet your child to walk him/her home, come into the cafeteria and wait there. Walkers and students meeting an adult will go to the cafeteria at dismissal. After picking up your child from the cafeteria, keep him/her and younger siblings close to you and proceed promptly to your walking route.
It will be very important for you to communicate with your child and the school your normal transportation arrangements, and any changes in your routine.
Please help us keep all of our children safe by following established guidelines, and by letting the Westbriar school staff know of any concerns, issues, or suggestions you may have regarding safety. THANK YOU!!!
For the past several years, the number of elementary school students who arrive at schools in private vehicles has increased. Most elementary schools have established areas called Kiss and Ride. The Kiss and Ride area is a safe place for adults in private vehicles to load and discharge children. To ensure the safety of all children, the following rules must be observed. If all drivers cooperate, we will be able to provide an efficient and safe transfer of children.
The safety and security of your children are everyone’s primary objectives. With your help in following the safety rules, we can help your children enter their schools safe and ready to learn.
As daylight hours diminish, children should be encouraged to wear light- or bright-colored clothing so that they are more visible while walking to and from bus stops.
Children must not stand on the traveled portion of the roadway, nor play near the roadway, while waiting for buses. Horseplay near the road is dangerous.
Please remember -- an adult must accompany kindergarten students to and from the bus stop. Do not send unsupervised students to a bus stop more than ten minutes early.